Why We Stop Ourselves Before We Start

We look at brands we admire that are amazing and think ‘I don’t know how to do something like that’. And then we stop ourselves from building our own brand. Before you stop yourself, I want you to remember these three things.

Hey! Two weeks ago I started small group adult tennis lessons. I’m AWFUL but it’s so fun.

I can sometimes get the ball over the net, but I have zero ability to aim. For example, I knocked our teacher right in the nuts last week with a backhand. He fell down moaning. While the male students stood silent, like tall horrified statues, I yelled (from across the court) “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry! Can I help? No. That doesn’t make sense. Should I stay here on this side? I’ll stay here. I’m SORRY! I’m SO SORRY!”

I’m 50 years old. Why even attempt trying something new when I’m SO BAD at it? AND WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH BRANDING? This:

We look at brands we admire that are amazing and think ‘I don’t know how to do something like that’.

And then we stop ourselves from building our own brand.

Before you stop yourself, I want you to remember three things:

Thing #1: You’re not seeing the drafts of that brand. Being aware of that is important because every brand you admire has gone through the process of creating something that didn’t make the cut. My clients and I cut and cut and cut until the brand is down to its essence. The cutting process is BUILT INTO my brand strategy process. And we’ll do it together.

Thing #2:You might be nervous because you haven’t built a brand yet but I’M NOT. 

I’m not. This is what I do and I’ve very good at it.

I’m not nervous. I’m calm and happy and curious and I’ll meet you EXACTLY where you are and advocate for you and bring you along. We’re building your brand together.

Thing #3: The brand you build is never going to be as absolutely perfect when you haven’t built it and that is because you HAVEN’T BUILT IT YET. The perfect brand (one that CONNECTS and LANDS and is UNDERSTOOD) has to be constructed.We’ll construct it together.