How do you make office space interesting?

You build a brand strategy around it.

My client was the largest zero-net-energy redevelopment in the country. The scope of the project was almost incomprehensibly massive. And it was located in the middle of western Massachusetts. Open Square is 650,000 square feet (give that a minute to sink in), seven mill buildings, two hydro-electric generators, 8.5 acres. And one brilliant (romantic realist) Architect/Developer.

The client hired me to re-brand the development. The resulting brand strategy would direct a complete website overhaul and update messaging for marketing campaigns.

Though they had many happy local companies on-site, because of their location in a third-tier market, Open Square was struggling to grow their mid-sized, regional and/or national tenant base. And after 20 years of offering gorgeous modern space, that’s who they wanted to welcome next.

In the brand strategy process, we identified Open Square’s differentiated advantages and validated our findings via ideal client interviews and message testing. We sharpened their brand personality, honing in on short, sharp ways of conveying how AWESOME the spaces at Open Square were. And we conducted ideal client interviews to determine how Open Square could communicate it’s benefits to larger companies.

At Open Square, our buildings envelop you, the curved halls welcome you and your work space feels warm, light and right. Our brick walls and maple floors ground you. Our friendly community encourages fellowship. And you’ll feel proud to welcome clients to your office.

Brand Messaging

Open Square recently sold to a new owner based, in part, on the results of this re-brand. Be Understood Branding would love to help your business pull out a chair for your ideal clients. Email us to schedule a free chat.