A Tale of Brand Transformation and Tail Wags

In the San Francisco neighborhood of Mission Bay, a tail-wagging brand strategy transformation unfolded at Bark Avenue, a dog day care that turned around its growth in a very competitive market.

In the San Francisco neighborhood of Mission Bay, a tail-wagging brand strategy transformation unfolded at Bark Avenue, a dog day care that turned around its growth in a very competitive market. Facing an increase in area work-from-home options and a subsequent drop in new client applications, Bark Avenue realized it needed to embark on a rebranding journey. Bark Avenue hired Be Understood Branding. The result? A 100% increase in client applications.

Be Understood Branding’s first step was conducting a thorough brand audit to identify what was working and what needed improvement. Nothing about the brand’s design elements needed adjusting (the logo, brand colors and fonts were all fresh). Be Understood Branding work was therefore entirely around how the brand communicated. The work addressed brand voice (it needed to be stronger), brand positioning (it needed to be clearer and more compelling), and an understanding of what clients actually cared about (never assume you know what motivates clients!).

Ideal client interview results completely changed the brand’s understanding of what motivated people to choose Bark Avenue.

Ideal client interview results completely changed the brand’s understanding of what motivated people to choose Bark Avenue. Due to client confidentiality, we can’t share our findings, but the results totally changed Bark Avenue’s approach to all communications.

Bark Avenue underwent a strategic rebranding that positioned them as: doggy day care that feels like your Auntie’s house, not a warehouse. A new motto to clarify their brand position was also developed: Your dog’s best days are at Bark Avenue.

The success story of Bark Avenue is not just about the power of rebranding but also the importance of understanding that communicating IN ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR CLIENT’S WORLDVIEW makes or breaks businesses.

Bark Avenue’s journey serves as an inspiring blueprint for businesses struggling to connect quickly and deeply with an audience. In the bustling city of San Francisco, Bark Avenue stands as a testament to the fact that with the right brand strategy, businesses can turn challenges into opportunities for growth and success.